Spiritual Counseling Services

Welcome to our Spiritual Counseling Sessions!

At Believe in Humans, Karyn, our dedicated spiritual practitioner, is here to provide guidance and support on your journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. With a total of 7 years of rigorous training, consisting of 5 years of prerequisite classes followed by a comprehensive 2-year Professional Practitioner Program, Karyn brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice.

What to Expect from Our Counseling Sessions:

  • Professional Expertise: Karyn has undergone extensive training and testing, totaling 7 years, including 5 years of prerequisite classes and a comprehensive 2-year Professional Practitioner Program. This ensures that you receive guidance from a highly qualified professional dedicated to your spiritual well-being.

  • Session Structure: Each counseling session typically lasts approximately one hour and can be conducted via Zoom. We start with a prayer and conclude with Spiritual Mind Treatment, a transformative form of healing prayer designed to help you uncover your spiritual truth and release limiting beliefs.

  • Confidentiality: Your privacy is paramount to us, and everything shared in the session remains confidential unless legally required otherwise.

Whether you're seeking regular sessions or occasional support, Karyn is committed to walking alongside you on your spiritual journey with compassion, understanding, and unwavering support.

Reach out to us today to schedule your first session with Karyn and embark on a path towards greater spiritual clarity and fulfillment.

Call or text 215-650-7749 or email info@believeinhumans.com